To me Spring is one of my favorite, and in my opinion one of the most delicious, seasons. Time for those delicious veggies to wake up after that harsh winter. Here in Florida, we typically don’t experience the seasons but this year it was crazy cold! Now that the cold is over with its time for some freshness in your food that during the winter you just can’t seem to find…fresh herbs!! Growing herbs are inexpensive, easy, and really make everything taste so much better. If you’ve ever watched my videos you’ve probably noticed that I only use fresh herbs and its true! I refuse to use dry herbs unless I absolutely have to. At my house, I have a nice big flowerpot just overflowing with gorgeous herbs. So don’t get under the impression you have to have a lot of land to grow them, because you don’t! Sit them out on your back porch and make sure you water them and watch them grow! I love to plant the herbs I use the most like basil, rosemary, thyme, parsley, cilantro, and some mint!
Another thing I love so much about spring is its the perfect time of year to eat outside and feel that nice crisp air. I love making a delicious dinner and there’s just something about eating outside that makes everything just taste better! So everybody, take advantage of this great time of year! Go to your local farmers market ( which is one of my most favorite things to do) and get inspired by all the amazing fresh produce. I promise you that if you go you’ll want to buy everything, and that’s okay with me! Well that what Spring means to me. What does it mean to you?? Happy Spring everyone!