Hey everyone! Have a question or are looking for a specific recipe you don’t see? Please feel free to leave a comment and I will get right back to you. Or, feel free to send a message to my email BlakelyTrettenero@gmail.com. I look forward to helping you all out with your culinary questions! 🙂

Very cool Blakely. I’m proud of you. Hows it workin out? Making any money?
Good Luck with it. Remember us when your famous!
Were Chris’s little half sisters !!! Ron’s daughters !!!! Were just wantin to say hey !!! tell chris hey for us ….. Thanks!!!
🙂 🙂 Hope to meet you soon !!!!
Cheyanne and Bridget !!!
Hey have you made any recipes in a smoker?
Love your website…very “real”. A suggestion…do you have a “search” function? I wanted to find the 15 minute chicken and rice recipe, but couldn’t…wish I could search for it. Keep up the great work!
Hi Blakely,
Does anyone ever said to you that cooking for a career is not very lucrative?
Hey Blake,
I was wondering if you could make a video on how to make Spinach Bread. I tried it last year but messed up on it.
I miss you…and nachito even more..I hope to see you soon.
Hi, I just wanted to let you know that ever since my girlfriend visited your website, she has been cooking some AMAZING meals. Thanks and keep up the good work!
Hi Blakely:
You and your videos are so nice. I don’t speak English but you are a great teacher. I can understand every single word you say. Thanks for your videos , you are so marvelous.
Greetings from Spain
hello, just watched ur strawberry pie show and it was great ,love ur kitchen,shells on counter ,please tell me ,where are u located? and are u only on youtube?am diabetic so i will transfer splenda for sugar and low fat cream cheese for ur regular..love peggy>moving to florida .thank u
Why did you name your website “Cooking for BIMBOS” ?
Howdy, I really like your site, I got more confidence to cook by watching you. Will you put up a video how to make chicken and waffle and bread pudding and southern sweet tea :)?
Thanks in advance. Derrick
Oh one more question, do you ever cook with a Foreman grill? Thanks, Derrick 🙂
How do you make tomato sauce? I have TONS of fresh tomatoes and really would like an easy recipe for tomato sauce. Thank you very much.
Hi Blakely! I love your site it is filled with so many great things. I was wondering if you can do a baked mac and cheese and how to make great chicken wings at home. thanks in advance.
Hi Marina!!
Thank you so much for the great compliment… I’m glad you like it 😉 And I’d be happy to make those for you!! Perfect for football season. Check back soon to see the recipe! Thanks again for checking out the website!
I have a question.. how did u get sooo freaking cute!?!?! i love your website! Im sooo proud of you! Keep up the great work!
Love your website! I came across it when looking for a fish taco recipe. We are going to try your blackened fish recipe this evening. I will definitely be forwarding your website along to all of my girlfriends so keep the recipes coming!
Hi Blakely, I love your website and the recipes….. keep them coming. you should have a facebook link here so your friends can post recipes from here righ into their walls. Or is that too expensive? Hope to see you again soon. xoxo
I tried to make your red velvet cupcakes tonight and they turned out like oily, cornbread muffins. I followed the recipe to the letter, however, they still fell and looked like little craters, or small donuts please help
Hi Lindsey!
That is so weird I’ve never had anyone have a problem with that recipe. The only thing I can think of is maybe you didn’t cook them long enough or the oven temperature wasn’t right. Sometimes ovens have a mind of their own and don’t preheat to the right temperature. I’m so sorry they didn’t work! Red velvet in general is a very very moist cake but it shouldn’t have come out oily. Try cooking them at a higher temp for a little longer and see if that works out. Sorry!
hello blakely,
your my favorite cook, i love ur kitchen and ur outfits, u make me miss florida.i think somewhere it said u lived in florida but i cant find it again, what town are u in? do u do live cooking shows and do u also work other than the utube? i am in ohio.
i am disabled right now and i really loved u showing how to cook greens, cause they are soo healthy, please show more real healthy stuff with cabbage and beans and rice.ohh and something using splenda ,maybe a pie.thank u so much God bless u.. hope i get to florida this fall.. peggy
Hello there! I have been looking at your videos for a while and finally decided to make your recipe for Rum Cake! Im so excited, I know it will be delicious! Thank you for being so nice and explaining everything so simply. Just discover your website! It looks awesome! Congratulations all the way from Miami 🙂
Hi Peggy! Thank you so much for the great comment. I will try and put some more healthy recipes up just for you!
Hi Aylen! Thank you SO much for the great compliment!! I hope you like the Rum Cake.. let me know how it goes!
hey! i was just wonderin’, 4 the caramel apple recipe, it says 1 cup of heavy cream, is that like “coffe rich” creamer? or what? ly!u rock!
Hi Amanda!
It’s just regular heavy cream, not coffee creamer! Thanks for commenting 🙂 Hope they turn out great!
hi Blakely! i’m looking for a hot and cold coffee concoction that are healthy, you know, we have to explain its health benefits. could you give me some recipe? i badly need it tomorrow. thank you. 😀
Dear Blakely
I came to you through YouTube, from the first moment I saw you, I am very enthusiastic, smile on your face, and explain simple and easy preparation of recipes are wonderful, I’m a religious Jew so many things I can not eat (such as shrimp, pork, or beef and milk together) but a lot of recipes your prepared and went really good and special …
Blakely … I wanted to tell you I see you during a difficult period in my life (everyone has the moment)
And really made me calm and pleasant, and I wanted to say thank you …!
God will give you what you attract to you and you will have much happiness and joy in your life
David, Israel
Dear Blakely
Thanks for the email from you and pleasant words you wrote, I was delighted to read it, as I said the special person inside and out, good heart and your tunes revolve you, sorry I’m a little sappy but this is my feeling.
You really do not need to do a video for me, keep what you’re doing and I have no doubt you will go far, you deserve it!
If you ever feel a bit empty … Remember you’re a good person and able to give the best that more people in the world … (enough to see how you cook meat such love your father It makes me inspired ..)
I apologize again if I get too personal … but I wish you have a happy and pleased comes to you …
Appreciate you and are happy you will succeed, and of course we will continue to watch your video
p.s I actually laughed when you can not lift the lid of the grill is heavy for you…
– My English is not perfect so I used Google Translate
hahahhahahahahah omg why did you publish that last comment by the foreigner?
Hello Blakely! 🙂
I really enjoy cooking in a slow cooker,
My Crock pot is my favorite! Im retired now
And looking forward to learning how to cook!
Can you suggest some tips for good crock pot meals?
Hi Ron!
Thank you so much for taking the time to write. I look forward to helping you learn how to cook! Want to hear something crazy? (cue the dramatic music) I have never used a crock pot before! I know.. and I call myself a cook. One day I’ll cave and get one. Until that day comes I don’t have a crock pot recipe to help you out. :-/ I do have other great recipes though! Sorry! Happy cooking 🙂
Hi Blakely,
I am a mother of tween daughters. No one in my family is a picky eater, which is great! The problem I’m having is that I have to watch EVERYTHING that goes in my mouth (weight issues…that I’m beating!! 🙂 I was wondering if you have more chicken recipes that are creative but healthy. (low-carb) I’m tired of old boring, bar-b-q chicken, crock pot chicken…etc. Hope you can help!! Thanks
Hello Blakely,
On your cuban pork, do you add the onions and garlic drippings that was in the bottom of your roasting pan to the finished shredded pork also?
Thank You and I enjoy your vids!
Hi Blakely!
I am with the Alumni Relations Office @ LCB Orlando. We saw your Q&A’s @ the paper and decided to reach out to you to know if you would be interested in becoming part of a small group of local Chefs and mentors that we would love to have for our recent graduates and externs.
I look forward to hear from you!
=) Talk to you soon!
Keila Velázquez-Hernández
C a r e e r S e r v i c e s & Alumni Liaison
Le Cordon Bleu College of Culinary Arts
8511 Commodity Circle Orlando, FL 32819
D i r e c t : 407-313-8739 | F a x : 1-866-599-5671 | E m a i l: kvelazquez-hernandez@orlando.chefs.edu
P u r p o s e – We feed dreams and nourish lives.
V i s i o n – Le Cordon Bleu will be recognized as the premier source of professional cooks who receive the highest value education in the culinary industry.
Hey, I was looking for the shrimp boil recipe I saw on youtube. I don’t see it here.
i want the shrimp boil recipe,,,and where can i get a pot like yours you cooked it in???what size is the pot also ,,,,thanks
I want to know where to find the giant salt and pepper grinders you was using in your creamed spinach episode
Hi Nick! I get this question all the time. I got them randomly at Home Goods like 8 years ago. I’m not even sure what the brand is. I’m sorry I can’t help you out!
Hi Blakely! I was wondering what camera you use to take all the food pics?… love ALL your recipes!!!
Hi Liz!! I’m so glad you like them! I use an Olympus OM-D EM-5 Mark II which is an amazing camera. Thank you for watching 🙂
Made your vegan chocolate chip merengue cookies on Father’s Day. They were absolutely delicious!! Everyone gobled them up.
Love to hear this! Thank you for trying them Joe! 🙂
Nice list! Thanks for that. Homemade can’t be beat. You control everything that goes in and create the greatest dishes.
Hi Blakely I just made your peach bread recipe, yet was not certain when to include sour cream as noted in ingredients but not directions I improvised and just added it along with other wet ingredients Final product was a bit more pudding than bread like
Hi Debi! So sorry!! I just realized I didn’t write the sour cream in the recipe. I just corrected it. But you were correct about when to put it in- it goes with the wet ingredients. This bread is definitely a lot more moist due to the peaches, but it shouldn’t be like a pudding. Maybe next time try baking it a little longer. Hope this helps!
Hi Blakely,
I can’t find your Creamed Spinach recipe from your YouTube video “Creamed Video” Aug 28, 2010.
Hi from South Mississippi!
I just found you on Rumble and love those videos, and now I love these, too! I’m an *avid* fan of cooking shows, and had been quite disappointed in myself for not having developed a drive for cooking in spite of it. But since watching you, I’ve become inspired! The simple yet gourmet recipes are very intriguing. Your instructions and presentations are at the perfect speed and depth of information to grow confidence! Watching how to better handle food, how to move around during the cooking process, and riffing within recipes has been incredibly instructional. Thank you for what you do, thank you for sparking a deeper interest, and thank you for inspiring me to be a better cook! Cheers!
Hi Shelby!! Wow what an utterly touching comment!! You are so kind to write and I’m so happy that my videos have sparked the inner chef in you! I can’t wait to hear everything you make. Thank you for making my day! xx Blakely